Loving deeply from our hearts,
The question posed at Time To Fly, A Conference For Women Of Freedom, continues to play over in my mind. Why do we work so hard to obtain what we already have...? Oh the riches that belong to us because we are daughters of the most high God. We are so very free, so very loved, we belong to HIM. I love His word, but only in recent days has it taken root in my heart of hearts. We truly have EVERYTHING that we need to step into what HE has planned and purposed for us. Knowing this, we step into the next conference, Time To Move, Released To Run In His Glory!! My dear sisters, where are you headed? Who and what are you running towards? I picture you running towards JESUS. Him, scooping you up, and running towards the FATHER, who picks up Jesus, and you all run, as one, towards the destiny that HE has for you. Sisters of ABIDE, you are making your Daddy's dreams come true! Don't hold back, RUN with everything that is within you! HE truly has released YOU to run in HIS glory! Join us September 21st and 22nd, 2012, with our special guest speakers, Doriane Parker Sims, Liz Shields McKay and Denise Stevenson as we run the race together, taking hold of the PRIZE that HE has set before us.
Loving deeply from our hearts, THE ABIDE MINISTRIES TEAM
About A.B.I.D.E.We are a team of Women desiring as a ministry to see women radically transformed and set free as they encounter God and their identity in Him.... Categories
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